Saturday, June 11, 2011

Investigating Mercury Toxicity As Possible Underlying Cause for POTS

This is an area that few POTSies have investigated and I am going to be one of the first to give it a good run for its money. Searching Dinet's forums for the word "amalgam", there are only 9 posts from its entire history. That in itself is unbelievable to me and those who do ask about it are met with great opposition. I do not really understand why.

One of the posts is a poll I made and interestingly enough 88% of those who responded said they had or have amalgams in their mouth. That seems significant to me. There are of course other sources of heavy metals, but the fact that, that many of us have amalgams in our mouth should at least warrant further investigation. Instead most just do not want to be bothered or they say things like "I'll do that when I start to feel better". What is heavy metals is THE reason why you are not feeling good?

I have been chelating now and I am now on Round 5 of DMPS. I take DMPS orally every 8 hours, but I am not hugely strict in the dosing. If I am a little late or early I take it just to keep from interrupting my sleep.

There have been very very slight improvements with my POTS so far and it is still very early on. I plan on chelating for at least a year to see what happens. My heat intolerances seems a teeny tiny bit better, but I have a LONG way to go.

We will see what happens. I am cautiously optimistic.


  1. I was reading some of your blog entries and I was thinking your problem is most likely mercury from you teeth. Especially after you mentioned your Alopecia resolved after having your fillings removed.

    You (or your Dr.) may have put yourself in the POTS category that perhaps your symptoms best fit but that may keep you from seeing the real causative factor and thus treatment. Mercury toxicity affects everyone a little different. I think the most universal symptom is adrenal fatigue.

    I grew up with a mouthful of amalgams, I found your blog while researching a possible link between my childhood Alopecia and Amalgams. I have been suffering with chronic illness (CFS?) for almost 9 years and had a previous bout for a year which was 2 months after an amalgam simply "popped out" of my mouth.

    I just had my last 2 amalgams removed (safely) and for the first time in probably 40 years I have no visible amalgams and am hopeful for the future. I am still concerned about possible mercury in my 2 root canals and possibly under my 3-4 crowns.

    According to expert Andy Cutler chelation is supposed to wait until all oral mercury is removed. has a lot of his information and recommendations.


  2. Hey Shawn! Thanks for the comment. I had to give up on chelating because the hives became life threatening every time I did it. Check out my other blog that I update more regularly here--> Dana's Chronic Illness Journey

    You will see I've done quite a bit of chelation but unfortunately am not better. At least I can say I tried! :)
